the Conscious Design™ Blog

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The Conscious Design™ blog, podcast, and YouTube channel is your guide to understanding the product development process, branding, and starting up a company. Whether inventor, designer, or entrepreneur, we have content to help you be successful. Written primarily by Ian Peterman, our CEO, founder, and Conscious Design expert, this blog pulls from his and our team’s extensive experience and history with startups, products, and brands as we seek to build conscious brands and products. We hope you enjoy this content and learn something valuable through it. Let’s make your vision a reality.

How Does Product Development Work for Your Business?

The economic reality is that many products don’t sell well when they are first introduced. So, what does this mean for your business? Developing products that customers want to buy is vital to your company’s success.  However, it can be an expensive process. You need to find a way to manage costs while still achieving market penetration. Here’s how product development works for your business: Use Product Development Software To Reduce Costs Modern software makes it easier to take advantage of economies of scale. This means you can get thousands of people working on the same project at once without duplicating effort or wasting money.  The largest companies in the world take advantage of this by using product development software. These are Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive. Collaboration on projects are made through the software. This makes it easier for them to produce affordable and profitable goods. Use Rapid Prototyping You can cut down on costs through rapid prototyping. This is where multiple prototypes are developed simultaneously so that manufacturing resources aren’t wasted working on a single idea. For example, rather than inventing a new motor vehicle from scratch, car manufacturers often focus on perfecting the internal engine, the suspension system, etc., before beginning work on the final design. By testing each element as they go along, they can ensure that every version of a car they produce has the desired performance characteristics, and this means there is more work to show potential customers. Identify Bottlenecks To avoid wasting time and resources during product development, it’s important to identify bottlenecks as soon as possible. This can be done by building a detailed plan for your product using product development software. To do this effectively, you will need to define tasks that can be completed quickly. These tasks can include validating market demand or planning production schedules. Once every bottleneck of the project has been identified, you should assign a single person on your team with responsibility for each one so you can track their progress more easily. Plan Your Product Development To project your product development cost, you need to map out what needs doing. This can be done using software like Microsoft Excel. It lets you create a series of worksheets that contain all the information you will require for each stage of your project. It would help if you then iterate between this product development software and engineering software like AutoCAD LT.  3D models are created by storing all project data in one place. This gives engineers an easy way to see revisions as they make them. There is no chance of breaking links or losing important information along the way. Get User Feedback Early On It’s also vital that customers gather feedback early on in the product development process. Any changes are made easily and affordably. You can encourage this by building a minimum viable product that customers are asked to test before your official release. This means you can identify problems early in the development cycle.  Evaluate Your Product It’s important to ensure that information about your products is available at all stages of the product development process. For example, eCommerce sites need to make sure that prices are kept up to date. Then, using software like Google Analytics, they can measure their conversion rates for each version of their merchandise, which helps them to prioritize their inventory. Use Prototyping Tools While it can be tempting to see product development as a linear process, the truth is that ideas often progress in stages. For example, you may first develop a paper prototype that looks and feels like your final product and then refine it before creating a CAD (computer-aided design) version of the object, ready for production. Using tools like Adobe Illustrator means you can share these designs with other people on your team.  Build A Prototype When prototyping new products, manufacturers often use computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). Each design is created in 3D before being printed in plastic. This, however, can be time-consuming and expensive, so it’s important to develop an alternative way of testing your products that gives you the same level of control over design elements. An easy solution is to use rapid prototyping software. This lets engineers create prototypes using computer-aided manufacturing technology. Then, if issues are identified, changes are made in CAD before printing begins. Draw Up Blueprints When designing a product at the initial concept stage, you should ensure that drawings are kept as simple as possible. Avoiding too much detail when planning each element of your project will save time later on by making it easier for manufacturers to create their version of the product. A good way to do this is by using CAD software, which lets you create more detailed blueprints for your products later in the development cycle. Keep Your Documentation Organized Keeping track of all of your documentation can be a challenge, especially when managing multiple versions of each file. The easiest way to ensure that everything remains accessible is to use project management software like Microsoft Project, which shows you what needs to be done at every stage of your project, so nothing falls through the cracks. This means that even if you are not directly involved with every element of product development, you will still have access to all crucial information when you need it.  Your Next Steps Product Design The Benefits of Product Design to Your Business business Product Why Your Store’s Atmosphere is Crucial for Your Business Success business success Related Conscious Design BLOG Posts Author Mr. Peterman View all posts

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What are the Parts of a Product Design Process?

The steps of product design are crucial for a business. First, it is helpful to know that each product goes through stages. These stages are continuous and go in a cycle repeatedly until the product reaches its final stage. The following comes from our experience as designers, engineers, and entrepreneurs: A new idea is born The first step usually begins with an idea. This is sparked by something very specific such as someone needing something fixed, or it can come out of nowhere when you see your children playing with toys.  Then there are also ideas conceived after reading market research reports or learning about the lifestyle, habits, and rituals of different customer profiles. An idea can develop into just an outline for improving your product, or it can be more detailed. The idea is evaluated for its potential profitability, feasibility, and how revolutionary it will be. Next, assessments are made based on market research. The idea is researched to ensure that there are no patents already in place; if there are, the idea must either be modified to avoid infringement or abandoned without losing time or money. So now you’ve got an awesome new product idea If the evaluation process proves positive, this stage begins with writing up a design specification that identifies what is required for each design element to fulfill its intended purpose.  A few examples of elements might include color variations for different markets, materials used with their properties, necessary functions, and how they should be laid out on a board with their locations, dimensions, and electrical characteristics. The product design is created and passed on to the engineering At this stage, the product is designed with all specifications needed for engineering to put it into production. The product should meet its intended purpose while meeting or exceeding customer expectations. It’s a good idea to enlist the help of a design firm when going through this process. As you can see, there are many steps involved in product design that includes designing, engineering, and marketing the new item. If you’re thinking of changing your business process, it’s wise first to consult a product design firm for help. Product development companies will offer advice on how to improve workflow and efficiency within your business. Peterman Design Firm helps out with product design process. Putting your beautiful designs in production comes next. The product is manufactured, and all quality assurance practices must be adhered to strictly for your company to maintain its reputation. If you’re selling online, then it’s especially important to provide great customer service along with a maintenance program for repairs and returns. This is also where prototypes come into play. Large companies often build several prototypes before sending their products into full-scale manufacture. In contrast, smaller companies may create one prototype or rely on manufacturer feedback during testing phases. Once production begins, there are usually more small tweaks made, which reflect customer feedback from the use of the product in real. But wait! Is it finished? After going through so many stages, you have a finished product that’s ready to sell, right? Wrong. A product is never really done until there are no more ideas for what can be improved upon to make your customers happier than ever before.  Concept Generation The next stage is concept generation with the designers. The process involves sketching, using different techniques such as freehand sketches, wireframes, or CAD drawings. These sketches explain what would work for your design to achieve its purpose within reason and what will not work; this continues until a final design is reached, which fulfills all criteria with no obstructions from any elements or market research expectations. This is where you go from Designers to Product Developers At this point, it’s time to bring in your team of product developers who will build your idea according to the specifications. They’ll do their best to make it as close as possible to the final design and then build a prototype. Prototyping The next stage is prototyping, and that’s where your product developers take your product from CAD files and build a working model. This prototype has all the functions found in the final design but not all the details; this is done for faster building and testing purposes. Once you’ve tested, tested, and retested your way to success Now comes pre-production, which involves getting everything ready for manufacturing, such as purchasing components, negotiating contracts and creating marketing materials. You’re almost at the end, but now it’s time for Mass Production when every unit produced is identical down to microscopic level.  You’ve come a long way; it’s time to reap the rewards! After mass production, product support begins, which allows you to make changes or improvements in case things don’t go quite according to plan. If any issues need attention, they are fixed before moving on to distribution and selling your new boxes to consumers everywhere. Hopefully, you have picked up some valuable insights into what goes into each stage of a product design process. Your Next Steps Want to learn how to launch your product? Sign up for our course, 4 Weeks to Launch Free Course Preview Lean more about design software Tools of the Design World: CAD CAD design tools Related Conscious Design BLOG Posts Author Mr. Peterman View all posts

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The Benefits of Product Design to Your Business

If you are looking for ways to get more customers, then the chances are that you have thought of having a website or an online store for your product. However, if your competition is already flooded with sites, how do you get your products noticed?  Use product design to your advantage. With the help of designing products, you can create an e-commerce site that will stand out in the crowd and gain the attention of many potential customers; if this sounds like something that would work for your business, read on how product design can bring success within reach. How Product Design Can Work For Your Business Most people today love shopping online because it just makes things easier. They no longer need to go through racks of clothes when looking for something to wear. The same goes when they are shopping for new things for their homes. And if you have your site, it means that more people will have access to your products, which is a good thing. However, if you want to gain the attention of these potential customers, then you need to go beyond just having a website or online store.  You also need design elements that will catch the eye of shoppers and make them stop for a second look. This is where product design comes in. Designing Your Site To Suit Your Product People visit sites because they are interesting enough to take note of the content being displayed there. For an e-commerce site, though, this means that you need a layout that will make people want to stay and keep on looking around.  One way of doing this is with product design, which can help you create an eye-catching website that will bring potential customers back for more. Using Product Design To Your Advantage In E-Commerce If you are considering using eCommerce how to grow your business, then the best thing you can do right from the start is work on product design elements that will get shoppers interested in what you have to offer.  This means going beyond just having a website or online store and creating a more dynamic presence with a page that has color, images, and other elements across it so shoppers can find products they might not have even known they wanted. No matter what type of products you are selling, remember to use design to your advantage. Just take the time to create a site that will appeal, and you’ll find more and more people coming in. Let Us Help You Bring Your Ideas To Life With Product Design If all of this sounds like it might work for your business; then you can get started with product design right away by contacting us today! Peterman Design Firm helps you with your product design ideas. Your Next Steps Smart Products What is Product Design? product design Design Tools Tools of the Design World: CAD CAD Related Conscious Design BLOG Posts Author Mr. Peterman View all posts

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Tools of the Design World: CAD

Designing involves a lot of things. One of these things is the tool being used. CAD is one of the tools that is used for Design. So now, here the question is what makes CAD so important for Design.

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What is Product Design?

Product design is a user-centered process by which interactions between people and products are designed, developed, and tested. And while product designers often come from various backgrounds, successful grads typically have a strong grasp of business strategy and human behavior.  Moreover, as more companies go digital and build engaging online experiences for customers, product design is becoming an important part of the industry. Why Product Design is important? It is important to know what a product is to understand product design. A product can be defined as any item manufactured or processed for direct consumption in its most basic sense.  The concept of a “product” covers everything from pharmaceuticals and airplanes to software and shoes. It is also used with other concepts such as goods, commodities, and services.   However, two main factors differentiate a product from other items: utility and salability. These concepts help us understand how important consumers will consider an item at large. Utility refers to how well an item performs its intended function. For example, a mobile phone is advertised as having a long battery life and a high-quality camera. This would help increase its utility and, in turn, the product’s appeal to consumers. On the other hand, salability concerns an item’s class or category. For example, when you think of buying a car, there are so many choices out there based on price, performance, and comfort, among other things.  The same can be said about buying furniture where you could opt for items such as sofas and dining tables depending on your taste and budget. Therefore, salability helps consumers decide which products they will purchase even before using them. How much does Product Design cost? The cost of a design is determined by the amount of time needed to complete all necessary tasks. In general, the more complex your product and its features are, the higher the price will be.  Creating a successful product starts with an inquiry about how much the product design costs. Since every project is unique, it’s hard to determine a fixed price without knowing what exactly you need. The cost of product design depends on several factors: The features of your product. The more complex they are, the higher the price. Some agencies have three different levels of quality to choose from: Low – For those who want a decent design at an affordable price.  High – For those who care about details and need something special.  Premium – for those who want everything done right with no compromises What is the process of Product Design? The process of product design starts with an idea, and the goal is to take that idea and transform it into a new, innovative product. The design process for consumer-facing products is generally more intensive than the one used by industrial engineers or mechanical engineers.  This is because there are so many competing factors such as affordability, usability, and quality to consider during the development of such a product. Thus, consumer-facing product designers need to be versatile professionals who can collaborate with other members of their team as well as maintain high levels of creativity throughout the entire process. At first, ideas may come from market research or be driven by customer demand. If they come from market research, this includes conducting surveys, polls, and interviews. If they come from customer demand, then the designers will go out into the field and observe how people use their current products, what problems they have with those products, and so forth.  In either case, once a product idea emerges, it is time to sketch out some concept designs for the new product. This initial brainstorming stage is critical because these early drawings are used to pitch the idea to management and other team members.  Sketches also allow designers to explore different ideas that emerge during research or in response to customer feedback – this helps ensure that no viable ideas get lost along the way.  A good product designer needs a wide range of skills since they will be asked to do many different things. Some examples include presenting their designs, sketching out new ideas, making presentations using PowerPoint or other software, writing instructions for the production process, and so forth. Once this initial brainstorming stage is complete, it is time to move on to more detailed plans. At this point, the designer will be creating 3D renderings of the product they are designing and specifications for what materials need to go into each component.  This stage also requires some thinking about the tooling needed during manufacturing. At this point, there won’t be any actual prototypes yet; these are created later in the design process when everything has been finalized down to the smallest detail. How do you hire a Product Designer? There are many different kinds of Product Designers out there, and not all of them play well with product teams. Therefore, the kind of designer you hire will have an enormous impact on how successful the team is going forward. For a long time, Product Designers would be lumped into the same role by companies, thinking that they all did more or less the same thing.  However, it has become clear that there is a real difference between designers who come from traditional graphic design backgrounds and so-called “UX” designers in recent years. The former is better at coming up with concepts and experiences, while the latter focuses on rating products. So when you’re hiring a Product Designer, it’s important to understand what skills they bring with them. For example, a candidate experienced in UX research will have a different approach than somebody who built interfaces before. Of course, a design lead would be expected to determine which one of those approaches should take priority, but that can only happen if the team’s approach is well-thought-out and validated. This is why it’s important to understand a designer’s experience and how they work. You also want to make sure that you’re hiring somebody who understands

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Peterman Design Firm Among Top B2B Service Providers on UpCity!

Peterman Design Firm is thrilled to officially announce that we are a part of the UpCity community of top B2B service providers! At Peterman Design Firm, we help visionaries turn their ideas into products, businesses, and brands that change the world. Our product design and development services—along with branding and start-up consulting—are designed to help your business build momentum, attract high-quality leads, and drive greater revenue. UpCity is a resource that helps connect businesses to service providers they can trust. With more than 70,000 listed providers—from marketing agencies to accounting firms to HR consultants to IT specialists, and many more—2 million businesses (and counting) have visited UpCity to research and identify the best partner for their needs.  UpCity’s proprietary algorithm utilizes a variety of digital signals to measure the credibility, trustworthiness, and recommendability of B2B service providers across the U.S. and Canada. These digital data points like reviews (both on UpCity and other third-party review sites), presence in relevant search results, domain authority, website speed, and experience help UpCity connect businesses with outstanding service providers like Peterman Design Firm.  We are proud to be listed in this vibrant and growing community and want to thank our clients for all of the love and support you have shown our business.  Your Next Steps Developing Smart Products What does it take to develop a smart product? Develop a Smart Product The Peterman Method™ Learn about the Peterman Method and download your own copy Peterman Method™ Related Conscious Design BLOG Posts Author Mr. Peterman View all posts

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Tools of the Design World: SketchUp

When it comes to project designs, you need a tool to make your work easier. SketchUp is a tool of the design world that will make you more productive. It is a 3D modeling software that can create 3D models of anything you can imagine. For example, you can create models of buildings, furniture, and even landscapes

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