Ways to Save on Your Startup Website and Launch it Too

Designing a startup website is a challenge in itself. The company is just getting off the ground and might not have a strong identity yet. The site will help in shaping the company’s foundation.

Based on how the site is designed, the entire world perceives the brand’s persona. Quite naturally, a robust, compelling, and attractive website is the need of the hour. If we take a quick look at stats, it won’t be hard to understand that over 1.7 billion websites exist in 2021.

From the numbers, entrepreneurs can understand the competition that exists in the market. It means they have to design a site that can sustain the change in trends, save big and start running immediately without operational silos.

Through this article, startup owners will get an idea of the parameters needed to design a site that will help them save big as well as increase operational efficiency. Once they are through with the necessary tips to begin with the startup website, the business owners can get in touch with us for technical assistance. So, let’s begin!

Deciding What A Startup Site Needs

Firstly, while designing a website, you have to avoid redoing anything later on. Doing so can affect the online reputation, and the startup can even start losing customers. When the company has to earn clients to expand the business, losing them is not a good sign. It means you need to have a solid plan, and for that, consider these two things:

Do You Need an Ecommerce Tool?

Any business selling physical or digital products need an ecommerce platform.

Firstly, check whether you need an eCommerce website or just an online presence? What’s the purpose of designing the site? 

What are the products and services you are going to offer? The answers to all these questions will have a massive impact on the design of the site.

startup website

How Many Pages Do You Need?

An efficient and robust website has VALUABLE information. But that does not mean it has a LOT of INFORMATION. That’s why you must cut out the unnecessary features and include the required ones when preparing the site.

 Remember that including additional pages will increase the time and amount of money you are planning to invest. Thus, you should be careful in every decision you take in the designing process.

Things You Can Do Yourself

startup website

Of course, you would like to employ a professional designing company to build your first startup website. But before that, it would be best to use the knowledge you have in designing the site. 

Start creating a logo design using a crowdsourcing platform available online. It will help in improving the look of the site by branding every page. And it also shows the visitors that you have an idea of colors and images.

Functionality and Looks Matter

Function and aesthetics are important, skipping one will hurt the other.

What type of website do you want to have? Most often, business owners want a website that is aesthetically pleasing alongside maintaining fast-loading parameters and practicality. 

For starters, these are the two most important parameters that will make the website the best. 

startup website

Also, visitors will love to visit the page and prefer to buy products from this particular brand. In addition, a website full of mistakes can increase the cost. It requires redesigning, leading to more expenses which should be avoided. Testing the website is a must which helps in eliminating all such errors.

Search Engine Optimization: Non-negotiable

startup website

SEO is a must for every website. Because it takes a long time to build up, skipping it now will only delay its value.

Many startups add a lot of information on the website without understanding the value of Search Engine Optimization. If accurate information is not included, they can land into trouble. 

That’s why while including every minute detail, they have to be careful and take advice from SEO experts. It helps in landing higher on Search Engine Page Results thus increasing the click rates. 

Additionally, they must use proper keywords to describe products and use bulleted lists.

Acquire New Skills

Making the entire website when you do not have enough skills is a big challenge. But by speaking with efficient and talented designers, you can acquire new skills. They can teach you how to use the back-end dashboard of the website. In that way, you have the feasibility to remove and add information wherever required.

Study Your Competitors While Designing A Site

Always look at your competitors to see what works and what doesn't.

What is your business going to deal with? Based on the targeted industry, you must check the competitor’s site and the features they have included. 

Understanding your competitors will help you learn what to include in your application and what can be avoided. It tells you what your targeted customers will be looking for. Once you incorporate those things, your business will start flourishing.

startup website, Ways to Save on Your Startup Website and Launch it Too, Peterman Design Firm

Start with An Audit

Many small businesses are the outcomes of a side hustle, and if you are one of them, you might already have information and existing content posted. Well, start working through all these and find out what you want to include in your new business.

Many efficient online tools are there using which you can find out what is being said about your brand. Reading through the negative reviews will help you understand what your customers do not like. As a result, you can decide not to include them on your site.

Get Creative While Designing the Content

startup website

Creative content is key to capturing people's attention.

One area where you should pay attention is the creativity of the website. Incorporating visual images and photographs increases the SEO’s rank and helps viewers understand what the product is all about. 

It convinces a lot of customers to invest in your brand by buying the products. But a crucial parameter to keep in mind while including images is they should be of high quality. Otherwise, there is no point as you have to remove them, which can increase the price.

Final Thoughts

Managing a startup is difficult at the initial phase especially when you have to make customers believe that your brand is authentic.

However, this can be overcome by running an efficient website, which makes your journey easy. Additionally, it is the most crucial factor required if you want your business to flourish in the coming years. Henceforth, you can look for a designing company to prepare the startup website with no operational glitches.

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Why We Prefer WordPress Website Development

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Why We Prefer WordPress Website Development

Asking why a designer or firm prefers one CMS over another is a completely valid question. We prefer WordPress website development over any other option. There are many good reasons for this. We find that WordPress is superior to the other options we have tried based on cost, SEO performance, ease-of-use, and other factors. Before we get into why though, let’s go over WordPress and some basics about websites. Building a website is not nearly as technically complicated as it once was. We have content management systems (CMS) to thank for that. Platforms like WordPress and Drupal make it easier than ever for people with little to no formal web development training to build and maintain professional looking websites. This means you can get your content out there quicker. Of course, a professionally done website still looks and works best, but it’s not a requirement to get a presence online! What is WordPress? WordPress is a CMS that originally began its life as a blogging platform. Its developers created the platform with a mind toward meeting the unique needs of bloggers known to update their sites with new content several times per week. It proved so successful that the decision was made to expand the platform. WordPress website development these days is still based on the fundamental principles of blogging. But WordPress is highly expandable and customizable thanks to an exhaustive list of plug-ins and themes that make it suitable for any kind of website. Why WordPress? Now, for the answer to the question, why do we prefer WordPress? Well, WordPress website development is superior for many reasons, starting with the fact it’s a content management system, meaning we can develop it quicker than strait from scratch code. Below are our top reasons why we always recommend and strongly prefer WordPress. Free and Open Source Right off the top, WordPress is free and open source software. This makes it quite cost-effective when compared to paid platforms. For example, we could build a WordPress site complete with an e-commerce solution. We would pay only for the cost of hosting the site. There is no cost attached to the platform itself. The same is not true for most other e-commerce solutions, such as Shopify and BigCommerce. There are costs that are attached to some plugins, and they often cost under $100/year, in fact we use quite a few that are under $50/year. That is a cup of coffee a month! The huge benefit of this, of course, is that you only pay for features you actually need, instead of bundles. Bundles, or tiers, is how most other platforms work, including the more popular e-commerce sites. Built in SEO Tools Search engine optimization (SEO) is as important today as it has ever been. A website that does not perform well in the SEO arena is going to suffer in everything from traffic to conversion optimization. It also determines where you land on search engines and therefore the amount of organic (free) traffic. Thus, SEO performance cannot be ignored. WordPress offers a litany of built-in SEO tools that don’t require an extensive amount of knowledge to utilize. For instance, the platform automatically generates meta-descriptions and title tags for each page and post. Search engines use these two elements to better understand what pages and posts are about. Those SEO tools that aren’t built in can generally be accessed through plug-ins. This means website owners can manage their own SEO without any outside help. Of course, we highly recommend professional SEO services for the best results. Ease-Of-Use We prefer WordPress website development for its ease-of-use as well. Anyone who can use a standard word processor can find their way around WordPress without much difficulty. Suffice to say, the learning curve is not steep at all. For us, that means spending less time on hard coding and more time on design. We don’t see a need to reinvent the wheel by manually entering code. Instead, we let WordPress handle the code while we concentrate on more important issues. Ease-of-use also benefits site owners. WordPress developers can turn a completed WordPress site over to a client and know that they can maintain it very easily. This allows developers to offer as little or as much help as the client wants. Some clients prefer that their developers handle maintenance. Others handle it on their own. They can because WordPress is so easy to use. We are happy to say we are big fans of WordPress. We prefer it over every other content management system we have looked at, and we look at every new one to come to the block. It’s superior SEO, ease of use for us and more importantly our clients, and the average monthly maintenance costs have led us year over year to keep using it. While we can do development in other platforms, and have, we will always recommend using WordPress. We believe it creates the best experience for our clients, and our clients’ customers. Author Mr. Peterman View all posts

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