Be a No-Plastic Fanatic with Ryan Lupberger of Cleancult

Welcome to another episode of the Conscious Design Podcast and today Ian welcomes Ryan. Ryan starts off with a brief intro on what he does and what is the goal of his company. Ryan and Ian then discuss the need for sustainable products to remain simple enough for the common man, so they can sell. Ryan then talks more about the aspect of taking your product to an international level and what struggles and opportunities that bring to the table. Ian and Ryan then discuss the material aspect of his product and what exactly does the company need to use to manufacture it. Ryan then discusses how to get people motivated to invest their time and money into your brand. In the end Ryan shares some final thoughts and shares where people can contact him and find him.


  • 0:00 – Guest Intro
  • 4:02 – Make It Simple
  • 11:06 – Going International
  • 14:33 – Subscribe!
  • 14:59 – Materials
  • 19:09 – Calls To Action
  • 24:20 – Guest Outro


About Cleancult:

One day, during a particularly powerful spin cycle, their co-founder Ryan, noticed there were no recognizable ingredients listed on his bottle of detergent. Intrigued, he did some digging and was shocked to learn of all the artificial chemicals in conventional cleaners, natural alternatives weren’t much better either, with their toxic plastic packaging, indecipherable ingredients and weak results.


It was time for an intervention – an effective cleaning system without dirty secrets. And so, Cleancult was born.

cleaning, Be a No-Plastic Fanatic with Ryan Lupberger of Cleancult, Peterman Design Firm

Know more about Cleancult here:

check out the video version here

Hosted by: Ian Peterman, CEO and founder of the Peterman Design Firm

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