Interview with Amit Mehta on the Future of Auto Tech

Today Ian welcomes Amit K Mehta from North American Lightning. Amit introduces himself in and talks about a bit about the company he is working for, NAL. Amit then continues to explain how his company is preparing for the technological advancements in the automotive industry. Ian and Amit then discuss the history of headlights and how have they developed and what we can expect from the headlight industry moving forward. Later Ian asks whether now power or size limitations are of a concern and Amit answers the question, revealing what he expects to be the top limitation when considering headlight design. Amit then explains what is one of the most expensive parts when constructing a vehicle and why is it important. Amit and Ian then discuss the idea of autonomous driving and what must change in order for it to take off. Amit then explains the idea of competing in multiple markets and how that can bring more value both to the customer and to his company. Amit concludes the show by talking about some of the current projects they are working on and invites more questions if the audience has some.



  • Guest Intro (0:07)
  • Into the Future (3:01)
  • Headlight Development (7:16)
  • Power or Size? (12:29)
  • Problem to Overcome (14:11)
  • Autonomous Driving (15:20)
  • Multimarket Competition (19:19)
  • Final Thoughts (26:30)
Auto Tech, Interview with Amit Mehta on the Future of Auto Tech, Peterman Design Firm

About Amit Mehta:

Amit’s years of experience has brought him to his current role of Head of Innovation for North American Lighting, Inc. His experience spans product and design engineering, as well as optimizing and benchmarking products in terms of cost, performance, technical, and brand advantage. In addition to his work with NAL, he’s a podcast host and a start-up advisor.


You can find Amit Mehta here:

check out the video version here

Hosted by: Ian Peterman, CEO and founder of the Peterman Design Firm

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