Interview with Lane Rasberry on Wikipedia and its Usefulness

Welcome back to another episode of the Conscious Design Podcast and today Ian welcomes Lane Rasberry. Ian lets the guest introduce himself and his connection to Wikipedia. Lane quickly shifts to the topic of the community surrounding Wikipedia and reveals how it actually works there. Ian and Lane go ahead and discuss how Wikipedia deals with user data and how they try to keep the balance and generally the site in check. Lane then explains how in social media and major publications it is possible to quite easily push certain narratives or ideas only with the help of money. Then Lane explains how sources work and what is the difference between them. Lane and Ian also discuss how each article is created and how when you read the final product it is a cooperation between many experts, each putting their own skill to use. Ian and Lane talk a bit more about sustainability and how it works inside Wikipedia when dealing with this issue. In the end, Lane invites people to join the Wikipedia team if they feel like it.


  • Guest Intro (0:07)
  • Wiki Community (0:51)
  • Consumer and Data (9:29)
  • Issue of Credibility (15:10)
  • Usage of Sources (18:17)
  • Cooperation of the Community (29:17)
  • Sustainability (32:04)
  • Guest Outro (40:45)
Lane Rasberry

You can find Lane Rasberry here:



check out the video version here

Hosted by: Ian Peterman, CEO and founder of the Peterman Design Firm

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