Interview with Peter Sprague of Satellite Displays on New Inventions and Technology

Ian in the episode meets with Peter Sprague, an entrepreneur who has worked in many technology companies and has been an integral part of the industry for the past years. Ian begins the episode with a short intro and then Peter presents his new invention and talks about his most recent book recommendation. Peter then spend some time talking about his early beginnings and tells the story of how he ended up where he is today. Ian and Peter than discuss the unimportance of a plan and the importance of people. Peter transitions into a story about him starting his first newspaper and how that ended up. Ian to answer Peter’s questions talks about his background and how he began. Peter than mentions the importance of luck and creativity in business and shares some of his personal stories connected to the themes. Ian and Peter both then discuss the change the online working spaces and what does it lack compared to real life. Peter then shares his examples on how common household items today were not accepted in the past and how you can’t always rely on the opinions of others in terms of prediction of success of your product. But Peter also mentions how even the smallest notes from strangers or friends can change your life or inspire you. Peter and Ian end the episode with some final thoughts about the topics discussed.





  • Introduction (0:07)
  • Guest and Badger Intro (1:09)
  • A Brief History (3:02)
  • Problems of a Plan (7:48)
  • Early Beginnings (14:54)
  • Ian’s Background (21:13)
  • Luck and Creativity (22:36)
  • Online Working Spaces (27:51)
  • Innovation is Not Always Welcome (37:13)
  • Strangers and Friends (44:36)
  • Final Thoughts (49:16)
Peter Sprague

check out the video version here

Hosted by: Ian Peterman, CEO and founder of the Peterman Design Firm

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