Interview with Richard Schreiber of the Ubuntu Initiative

Your host, Ian Peterman interviews Richard Schreiber of the Ubuntu Initiative. First, Ian lets the guest introduce himself to the audience before talking more about his product. Next, Richard explains the basic idea behind his initiative and what personal story made him realize that something like this is possible. Richard continues to explain how his goal took the physical form of Ubuntu Initiative. Ian and Richard continue to discuss what conversation and what the BLM protests brought to the table. After Ian’s question, the concept and reason for doing the initiative in the form of a board game. Richard also mentions what special features his game will have and how these move the discussion in the right direction. Ian and Richard both discuss the potential to expand and what is the future for the initiative. Ian and Richard end the episode by sharing their last thoughts.

Richard Schreiber, Interview with Richard Schreiber of the Ubuntu Initiative, Peterman Design Firm

About Richard:

I’m both an autism advocate for parents with children on the spectrum and an activist for diversity, inclusion and equality for all diverse groups, but especially neurodiversity.

You can find Richard Schreiber and the Ubuntu Initiative here:

check out the video version here

Hosted by: Ian Peterman, CEO and founder of the Peterman Design Firm

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