Interview with Scott Davis of Valorem on the World of Data Science

Welcome to another episode of the Conscious Design Podcast and today Ian has an interesting guest from the world of data science, Scott Davis. Scott starts by introducing himself a bit and his work and talks a bit about data science as a field. Next Scott talks more about the storage of data itself and what happens with it then. Then Scott talks more about the process of data management and how to prioritize the right data for you. Scott then talks about the role of specialists in certain fields and how they fit into data science. Scott then discusses the role of data in smaller businesses and startups. Scott then uses a personal story and a metaphor to express how important data is and how it should be viewed by the person who has it available to them. Ian and Scott then explore the question of coding and how much coding is required during the process of data science. In the guest outro, Scott shares some of his details and invites the fans of the show to check him out and ask questions. 


  • Guest Intro (0:07)
  •  Storage of Data (3:44) 
  • Data Management (6:57) 
  • Data Specialists (11:32) 
  • Small Data (17:52) 
  • Know What You Don’t Know (20:41) 
  • Coding (23:39)
  •  Guest Outro (27:25)
About Scott Davis: 

Scott is a seasoned data scientist, leader and strategist and an expert in business innovation,operational management, big data analytics, and process design. He has a passion for solving problems and creating solutions that drive better business solutions through the use of advanced analytics that generate business value.

scott davis

Know more about Scott Davis here:


check out the video version here

Hosted by: Ian Peterman, CEO and founder of the Peterman Design Firm

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