Interview with Shahira Kamal of Shahira Kamal Custom on What She Thinks Haunts the Fashion Industry Today

Welcome to another episode of the Conscious Design Podcast and today Ian welcomes a fashion designer by the name of Shahira Kamal. In the intro she introduces some issues she thinks haunt the fashion industry today. Next, she talks more about the balance between not supporting the mass production of clothes and at the same time being able to afford and buy beautiful things, you can find use for. Shahira and Ian both talk about short term thinking and compare how it works in business and Shahira compares it to how people treat clothes and also provides an alternative to the people. Ian and Shahira then talk about how planning out what you wear and how much you buy is the golden middle road that everyone can participate on, at least in some area of life and also discuss the lack of helpful tools for such planning. Shahira then talks about which problems in the industry limit most creators and customers to embrace the more conscious approach to the problem of buying clothes. In the guest outro Shahira sums up her opinions and invites listeners to contact her. 


  • Guest Intro (0:07) 
  • Frugal Wearing (6:45) 
  • Short Term Thinking (15:07) 
  • Planning Your Wardrobe (23:09) 
  • Anti Shame (23:43)
  •  Guest Outro (39:30) 

About Shahira Kamal: 

Shahira Kamal is a former classical pianist, now making custom/couture outerwear and motorcycle apparel in wool, leather and hemp. She loves working one-on-one with clients to make unique custom garments, but her mission extends to encompass a global perspective and an anthropological approach towards responsible apparel production and how we relate to clothing as part of the 3D built environment. Shahira has her BS in Apparel Design/Sustainability from the Art Institute of Portland and did independent post-grad study at Central Saint Martins and London College of Fashion, London.

Shahira Kamal

check out the video version here

Hosted by: Ian Peterman, CEO and founder of the Peterman Design Firm

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