Interview with Tom Askew on How He Invented PanelRight

Welcome to another episode of the Conscious Design Podcast, and today Ian welcomes Tom Askew. Tom first introduces his product and how he came to the invention of it. Tom also shares the origin story and what was his initial motivation for the product. Next Tom and Ian discuss the education goal that Tom wants to fulfill and how the market has been reacting to the product presented. Next Tom discusses some of his partners or who has adopted and helped him spread the technology. In the guest outro, Tom invites people to give his idea a shot and lists some benefits of why it might be profitable and overall better in the long run for your business to do so. 


  • Guest Intro (0:07) 
  • Origin Story (8:11) 
  • Education (16:58) 
  • Partners in Crime (21:19) 
  • Guest Outro (33:33) 

About Tom Askew: 

Tom has worked for 500 global companies and contract manufacturers alike, always improving as he went along. Early in his career, he set a goal of documenting $1 million annually in hard or cost avoidance savings. After achieving this, he quickly grew to document $10’s of millions in cost reduction every year. After all the years of savings, he’s happy to help companies across the globe with his knowledge.


check out the video version here

Hosted by: Ian Peterman, CEO and founder of the Peterman Design Firm

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