The Hardships of Renewable Entrepreneurs with Kevin Wolf of Wind Harvest

Today Ian welcomes Kevin Wolf as a guest on his show. Kevin starts us off with a little backstory and introduction of the company and talks more about what they actually do. Kevin also specifies what makes their technology so special. Kevin then talks even more about the technology and reveals which two details make their model better than everybody else’s. Kevin and Ian then talk about the hardships of renewable entrepreneurs and mainly consider the question of finances and reveal how crowdfunding has helped in the past years. Kevin then mentions how the turbines are slowly becoming more and more efficient in energy output. In the outro Kevin invited people to check his site and possibly take part in their journey via crowdfunding.



  • 0:00 – Guest Intro 
  • 5:46 – New Winds
  • 12:23 – Small Details
  • 19:05 – Financing
  • 28:13 – Subscribe!
  • 28:38 – Efficiency
  • 43:11 – Guest Outro


About Kevin Wolf:

Until his move to the role of CEO, Kevin served as Wind Harvest’s Chief Operations Officer, overseeing the company’s science, engineering, project development and website. His science degree, environmental background, consensus-based facilitation expertise, and years of work with the company help in his leadership role with Wind Harvest, where he now leads the capital raising campaign.

entrepreneur, The Hardships of Renewable Entrepreneurs with Kevin Wolf of Wind Harvest, Peterman Design Firm

Know more about Kevin and Wind Harvest here:

check out the video version here

Hosted by: Ian Peterman, CEO and founder of the Peterman Design Firm

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