Waste Management of Benjamin Mandos of GOT BAG

Welcome to another episode of Conscious Design Podcast and today Ian welcomes Benjamin Mandos. Benjamin starts off with a small introduction of what they do and what his company does. Benjamin then talks more about the methods they used to extract plastic and which areas they focus on. Benjamin and Ian then talk about the waste management mistakes that also motivated Benjamin to try and change this. Benjamin then switches the topic to talk more about the specific design of his bag and the process behind it. He continues by taking a closer look at the production and design process specifically. In the guest outro Benjamin shares his final thoughts and invites the audience to check out his product. 



  • 0:00 – Guest Intro
  • 3:06 – Area Impact
  • 8:28 – Waste Management
  • 11:18 – Design
  • 15:40 – Subscribe!
  • 16:05 – Process
  • 19:59 – Guest Outro


About GOT BAG:

GOT BAG is a German-based start-up that developed the world’s first backpack made of Ocean Impact Plastic in 2016. Its fabric is sourced with the company’s own ocean clean-up program in Indonesia. Thus, the minimalist, timeless backpack made of an extra durable material is not only particularly sustainable, but also a symbol of the conscious use of natural resources.

wastemanagement, Waste Management of Benjamin Mandos of GOT BAG, Peterman Design Firm

Know more about GOT BAG here:


check out the video version here

Hosted by: Ian Peterman, CEO and founder of the Peterman Design Firm

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